How to Utilize Social Media for Digital Events During COVID-19

Here in the Communications and Events industry, the value of human interaction and the customer experience is of utmost importance. Unfortunately, as a result of the COVID-19 health and safety restrictions, we are facing the challenge of reshaping the way we interact with our clients and continue to conduct business. It’s detrimental to the survival of any business in this day and age to learn how to use social media effectively when communicating with customers.

Here are the 5 C’s of Social Media Events During Covid-19:

  • Channels

    If your business is using only one channel of social media, it’s time to expand channels! Maximizing your network will help your brand reach more potential clients and stay relevant amongst modern businesses. Facebook did the work for you when they merged with Instagram, making it possible to post on Instagram and Facebook at the same time! Adding other platforms like Pinterest, Twitter, and TikTok will even further boost your brand awareness.

  • Communicate LIVE

    New features on Instagram and Facebook allow users to send LIVE video streams and updates via the “Stories” tool that last up to 24 hours (or you can save an IG Live to your IG TV Channel so it’s permanently visible). This tool is great for generating a large group of viewers for events because there are unlimited streamers! This feature can be used for wine and food tastings, unboxings, wardrobe halls, taste-tests. 

    And, don’t forget to pay attention to comments or questions when doing a live stream, even encourage them! Interacting with your followers is your opportunity to connect with them individually and make them feel valued.   

  • Consistency

    Create a theme around virtual events that your customers can follow along. Having a certain day of the week for LIVE videos will encourage followers to come back to the page again the following week. Everyone is stuck in their homes (or out just a lot less than pre Covid) working remotely and it’s helpful to create a consistent time for reveals and online conversations as we shift our pre-COVID habits. 

    Our best tip is to give hints about next week’s topic or surprise to spark excitement in viewers. You can do that by posting reminders to your feed, stories, or by making sure to sign off with a fun tag line like — “Thanks for tuning in, see you next time!”  

    Tip: Instagram also lets you create a calendar reminder on your story so viewers can subscribe to that so they don’t forget your next IG Live date and time.

  • Care

    During times of societal unrest and big changes, it's important to remind your followers how important their voice and safety is to your brand and that YOU care about them. Without in-person conversations and events, businesses can lose some of their humanity. Making time to send well wishes to customers via stories or in-feed posts can help boost your business-to-customer relationship and demonstrate social responsibility. We could all use a little extra love these days!

  • Creativity

    Use applications like Canva PRO (a product our team can’t live without) or Photoshop to make your social media content pop. For virtual events, Instagram and Facebook have fun filters and stickers to spice up your promotions. Check out other influencers for inspiration — you’d be surprised at the number of detail brands put into their stories and LIVES to keep their audience entertained and engaged. 

As we continue through 2020, it appears COVID-19 is here to stay. But, with the 5 C’s of social media virtual events, your brand will continue to effectively connect with your followers without fail.

If you're looking for a bit of extra help, we’re here to assist. Reach out to us at Emily Martin Events and see how we can help you rock your virtual event game.